Last Updated 27/01/2024

Who are we?

We are a small group of dedicated people, behind “” and “” websites, minecraft server and discord server (Have any questions or problems, please contact us with email at “” (English or Danish languages only please)

When referring to “we” or “us” we mean the Space-Craft Team

When referring to “services” or alike, we mean any of our products, Discord server, This website or Minecraft server

When referring to “you” “user” or alike, we mean you, the user of our services

What kind of personal data do we collect, and why ?

We may collect any information you, yourself provide, like mail, name etc. should you enter it yourself.

We also may collect data about how you use our website, and what parts you visit. We may also collect data like your browser, IP etc. if you choose to use our services

We also store and archive any chat messages you may send in our services, so do not share anything, you wouldn’t want public

We do all this, to better you and the other’s experiences, using our services, and to resolve any conflicts, should they appear


If you choose to upload any kind of media on our services, then please keep in mind, that anyone can download and extract it, along with it’s data

If you do, it is on your own choice, and we assume no responsibility for the Medias safety or protection


If you choose to for example, write a comment, log in, or interact with our website in any way, it will be logged in cookies, this is to help improve our website, by seeing how users interact with our website. And to help identify you. These cookies should be deleted after around a year

If you edit or released/publish a comment or “article”/”post” some extra cookies will be saved in your browser, to help identify you

Embedded content from other sites

Sometimes we choose to embed content from other website (like videos, photos, articles, data etc.) that content, may collect or use their own cookies, data or other, it will function like you were on their website, and they have their own TOS/Privacy Policy, which you are kindly asked to also read and agree to, should you wish to interact with us or them on our services

Who do we share your data with?

We do our best to not share your personal data with others, but should you ask for a “password reset”, can it include your IP and past login locations

Should you choose to interact with embedded content, they may collect the data you send them with the interactions, or any that we find fitting to send them

Any comments, messages or alike, shared on our services, can be published by us, without prior warning, you should therefore NOT write or say anything, without you being okay with that information being public, we DO NOT accept any responsibility for keeping you safe.

How long do we store your data?

Any comments, messages or alike, shared on our services, will be saved up to an infinite time, but you may ask for us to delete your data, assuming it isn’t illegal or alike, information you’re asking us to delete (to delete please contact us via email(see below))

What rights do you have over your data?

If you have proof of your ownership of your “accounts”, you can ask us to give you an exported file of all the data we have on you, along with anything you’ve given/told us, from our archives

You can also ask us to delete any of said data, this does not include things we are obligated by law for administration , legal or safety reasons

If you want to access or delete your data, please contact us (see below)

Who do we send your data to?

You can be sent through an “anti-spam filter” or alike, when you send any kind of data to us, and should you interact with any embedded content, the data you send them, can be sent to them. But other than that, your data will mostly be hold on our own servers

Contact information

Contact us via e-mail: “” (Without “”)

How do we protect your data?

We do an effort to protect your data, but you’re asked to please not share anything personal, you aren’t okay with being public, in case of a data breach or alike!


This website can be updated at any time, without warning, it is your responsibility to keep ontop of the Privacy Policy, should you choose to use our services